Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 108 - Coming to MWHS from Maple Grove

Today's post is from junior Charlie Moe

I have been asked to write a blog about a certain event that I am proud of and that's exactly what I am going to do… sort of. I am not exactly proud of one certain event, so I will explain what I am proud of, but first I am going to give some background info on this pride. I used to go to Maple Grove, where I had a class size of over 1000.  My school was so big that there were people that were in my grade that I had never met. Then in 8th grade I moved to this small town of Mound and my class size went from over 1000 to under 200. The first thing I noticed when I moved here was how involved and motivated the teachers were to help the students. So I went from being in a big crowd where teachers don't always help you 1 on 1 -- to where teachers are willing to help you anytime you need it.

I am proud of how close this school is with one another, the biggest example of this is the #MWHSPride campaign. This campaign shows how this school really cares about its students and really cares about the opinions of the students. We never had anything like that in Maple Grove. That is what makes this school unique. 

Another reason I'm proud is how many class options I can choose from and how each teacher loves teaching their classes. For example, in Maple Grove I never saw any business classes, so when I moved here I saw these business and marketing classes and I decided to give it a try.  I ended up liking business classes and the next year I took two marketing classes in one semester. This is an example of teachers helping you.  Mrs. Lolich convinced me to join DECA and I ended up loving it, and now I'm going to State DECA! I would not have had this opportunity if I had gone to any other school, and that is why I am proud to be a Mound Westonka White Hawk!

Ross & Charlie

If you have a story that you would like to share, please email for more information! We would love to hear from you!

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