Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 109 - 8th Grade Accomplishments

Today's post is from 8th grader Megan Heims

I have had a lot of memories already this year in high school that I have been proud of. The one that was the most important to me was when I got on the A honor roll. I worked really hard throughout the semester. I turned in all of my homework, studied for all of my tests, and asked my teachers when I needed help. Also whenever the teachers gave out extra credit, I would take advantage and do it. When the end of the semester came I was really happy. Along with the A honor roll medal, I got a medal for Perfect Attendance and top score on the MCA. I hope to get on the A honor roll again next semester. 

Another thing that I was proud of in my first semester at high school was being a part of Student Senate. I was elected to be in Senate at the end of last year, but the responsibilities did not come until the first meeting that we had this fall. We have to meet each week on Friday to talk about problems or things that are happening around the school. One thing that we did was set up flags around the school on 9/11. Almost everyone in the Student Senate came to help with this because it was a really cool experience, and we had a lot fun putting up the flags. I was really proud afterward because we were showing the school how much we care about our country and our community. Another thing that we did was plan and set up the Homecoming dance. This was cool because even though I can’t go to this, I got to see how everything works. I like being able to be a part of the Student Senate. It gives me a chance to have a voice in the school decisions.

If you have a story that you would like to share, please email for more information! We would love to hear from you!

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