Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 59 - Memories to Last a Lifetime

Today's post is from 2012 graduate Maya Reinholdz

If there is one thing that I am starting to learn in life more than anything is that the saying “time flies” is more real than I ever imagined. As a now sophomore in college it astounds me, and more than anything saddens me that I only have two more years left of being a student. Two more years until I have to, as they say, “join the real world”. It is common to say that the greatest memories in life will happen in college. As I am two years into being a business student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison I can say that yes, I have made some amazing memories here. But the memories I have made in college still don’t over shadow those that I had during my years at MWHS.

When thinking back to my four years at MWHS I can’t help but laugh, smile, and sometimes cry at all of the amazing memories I made. Now attending a college of more than 40,000 students, I appreciate more than ever having a high school class of only 180, where I could walk down the halls and recognize every face I passed by. Being a part of a small school meant making connections and relationships that are hard to experience once you get to college. My teachers were not only mentors; they were role models, whom I formed life-long connections with. I will never forget the endless hours I spent in Mrs. Lolich’s room working on DECA, where at times it almost seemed like that was my second home. Or where Mrs. Simonson’s accounting class was more fun than accounting ever should be, and where hockey games meant sprinting from your car, signs in hand, to make sure you got the front row.

MWHS is more than just a high school; it is a community, and one that I am so proud to have been a part of. It is easy to say that some of my greatest memories were made during those four years, as well as relationships and experiences that I will forever cherish. When I was younger I never realized how fast time passes by you. But no matter where I am in life I know that I can always be proud that the connections and memories I made at MWHS will truly last a lifetime!

2012 Grads Maya and Kennedy

If you have a story that you would like to share, please email mwhspride@277apps.org for more information! We would love to hear from you!

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