Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 48 - Appreciation for a Teacher & Advisor

Today's post is from senior Willie Maahs

It is difficult to attend MWHS and not be inspired to do your very best day in and day out. Looking around the school I see all of the kids committing their time and effort to do their very best. Where does this commitment to excellence come from? The answer is simple, our staff. Throughout the course of high school every student will have one teacher that inspires them to perform at the best of their ability.

On my first day of eighth grade I walked into my Intro to Business class not knowing what to expect. The combination of first day jitters and seniors in the same class was nerve-racking. All of those nerves escaped my mind when Mrs. Lolich entered the room with a smile and a game plan. After knowing her for five years I’ve come to understand the dedication she has to her job, our school, and the students. Her dedication to making MWHS a better place to be has inspired me in so many different ways. She has inspired me to be a role model within our school. She taught me not to sit back and be passive, but to stand out and take pride in being a part of MWHS.

That first year in Intro to Business she also inspired me to join DECA, and I couldn’t be happier that she did. Obviously, the inspiration didn’t stop there. Mrs. Lolich always found a way to test my limits. In DECA, she inspired me to use hard work to succeed. In my first year of DECA, I was able to feel the joy of succeeding at the district level. In my second year she inspired me not to be satisfied with good enough, and work to experience success on the state level. Finally, junior year she inspired me to succeed on the international stage.

Throughout this entire progression, Mrs. Lolich’s inspiration has taught me more lessons than any textbook could. By inspiring me to do my best I’ve gained experiences few other high schoolers have had the privilege to enjoy. I can confidently say that her inspiration from day one of high school will forever impact the rest of my entire life.

Mrs. Lolich & Willie

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Lolich is great, I know, I took care of her in the nursery when she was born.
