Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 136 - A Close Knit Community

Wednesday, April 23rd is Administrative Assistant Day.  We will highlight and honor those administrative assistants and others this week that make our building a prideful place to be!

Today's post is from MWHS and District Nurse Lois VanDyke

Caring, kindness, and concern contribute to the pride at MWHS. I am the school nurse at MWHS. I am not in the classroom to see the student success in understanding a difficult math concept, or acing a vocab test, or finishing an art project. What I see is caring, kindness, and a genuine concern for anyone who is hurting either emotionally or physically.

In the health office, I see students who stop in to check on a friend's well-being. Students rally around each other when one or many are hurting or facing a difficult time. Teachers call or stop in the health office because they are concerned about a student's illness or injury. Food service staff come in very early to prepare and serve nutritious breakfasts and lunches for all of us. Custodians work hard to ensure that MWHS has everything it needs so everyone can participate in all classroom activities and after school activities. It takes everyone doing their jobs quietly and without a lot of fanfare that contributes to the positive atmosphere at MWHS.

When you look closely, you will see these acts of caring, kindness, and concern that makes MWHS a close knit community. That is why it is with great pride I can say, "It is a great day to be a White Hawk."

Cami, Gary and Lois

If you have a story that you would like to share, please email for more information! We would love to hear from you!

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