Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 90 - A Path Like No Other

Today's post is from sophomore Jack Curti

As each student walks into Mound Westonka, they take their own separate path and embark on a journey like no other. I walked into MWHS a short, scared, and awkward eighth grader and had absolutely no clue where to go and what to do. Having to follow my older brothers my teachers recognized the name and instantly said “Are you Charlie and Ben’s brother?” and occasionally was called by their name. I continued through the year and then came registration for 9th grade, not a clue in the world what I wanted to do so I signed up for Drawing and Intro to Marketing. Little did I know that those two classes would change my high school experience.

Next came 9th grade, I walked into my drawing class and sat near some familiar faces and talked for a while. Then came the topic of the school musical, I was bombarded by questions of if I would do stage crew and I simply agreed. I went to marketing and instantly asked my teacher, “When is the DECA information meeting?” I was hooked on the class and then came the inspiration of what high school was going to be like.

Now let’s talk about this year, I took more business classes and currently I’m a DECA officer, MWHS pop singer, active in the musical, and aspire to graduate with as many arts and business classes as I can. I have really adapted to the school and found a place and a passion, and each year has gotten progressively more fun. Of course everyone has their bad days but each day seems better than the last. MWHS is the right school for me, and I can’t see myself anywhere else. I'm proud to be able to be called a White Hawk, and even though we don't have the best sports teams we have the most pride, and that is the most important part of the journey.

Anna, Jack, White Hawk & Courtney

If you have a story that you would like to share, please email mwhspride@277apps.org for more information! We would love to hear from you!

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